How to be cool by listening to CBC Radio 3

Where I live we have a public broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.  Say what you will cbc3-doorseabout state run media, but when it comes to a voice for the small independent artists the CBC’s Radio 3 online content is hands down the best way to be exposed to independent bands and artists from this dark frozen nation of ours.

The CBC has introduced many great bands to me.  Such as Metric, Arcade Fire, Buck 65, Shad, Grimes, Braids, Stars, Shout Out Out Out, Crystal Castles, most recently Faith Healer.   Many more, dozens… like a hundred.   I’ve never had a good memory for band names or song titles, so CBC has made it easy for me to remember my favorite bands and songs.   Using the web player you can explore, and listen on demand to their entire collection of Independent Canadian Music.    I like that they give voice to aboriginal music as well, check out this cool band from Nunavut, Scary Bear Soundtrack.

Here is a link to my CBC Radio 3 Profile.  I have recently started to add the music I like.   I hope that I can link my playlists here for you.   More on that later.

CBC Radio 3 is in a state of survival recently.   Unfortunately under the Harper regime the CBC’s funding suffered and the dedicated staff of CBC radio 3 paid the price.   The station is mostly just a computer these days.    The star of the station, Grant Lawrence has reached singularity and appears as automated bits of personality.

Hopefully, Canada and the CBC can get it’s act together and restore funding to this much loved service.

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