At work a funny thing happens. I love working with computers, I think I’m a lucky guy. At work though I have so many distractions that I can’t get work done. For every distraction it drains my attention on what I’m doing, and when it exceeds a certain level then I’m not very useful.
When I go home and rest for a while, I’m drained, I don’t want to do much, it would be so easy to turn on the TV. Sometimes I go for a walk, but I’ll drag along, it’s been a long day and I just want to rest.
The funny thing that happens, is that I go sit at the computer and do something as simple as work on some basic Python challenges and I find it rejuvenating. I find following along a good course like Dr Angela Yu’s 100 projects in Python is a perfect blend of guided meditation and problem solving that it gets me out of that slump. Weird.
Here are my notes from the day:
Day 2 – Data Types
June 22, 2022 – Coding Rooms Exercises Day 2 (Lessons 1,2,3) Day 3 (1,2)
We played around with strings. Numbers as strings. Typecasting strings to integers or floats.

To declare a variable as a data type use:
varname = int(5)
But this will be overwritten when a new assignmentvarname = input("New Value:")
Will change the data type back to a string, even if a number is entered.
So I need to validate the data type after an input.varname = int(varname)
Formatting strings
I thought I would be able to use printf style formatting, there is a Python way using the .format() method and there is a printf method. Kinda weird either way.
age = input("What is your current age?")
age = int(age)
years_till_90 = 90 - age
age_in_months = years_till_90 * 12
age_in_weeks = years_till_90 * 52
age_in_days = years_till_90 * 365
These next lines produce the same result. The python way and the old printf way. The Python way is a bit more friendly for type conversion.
print('You have {} days, {} weeks, and {} months left.'.format(age_in_days, age_in_weeks, age_in_months))
print('You have %d days, %d weeks, and %d months left.' % (age_in_days, age_in_weeks, age_in_months))
print(f'You have {age_in_days} days, {age_in_weeks} weeks, and {age_in_months} months left.')
// this one is the most readable and likely the new standard. (Note the 'f' )
The standard operators apply: + – / * == != < <= >= >
Logic operators are words: and, or
Standard operators built into python
rounding numbers round(23.2552, 2) will round two decimal places
modulo operator % 4 % 2 will result in 0. No remainder dividing 4 by 2. 5 % 2 will result 1
For more advanced commands like ceil, or floor, import the math module
Day 2 Assignment 3 – BMI Calculator 2
I struggled to pass the tests at first, due to my spelling of slightly vs slighty, and almost invisible difference in the code when you are looking for syntax differences.
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